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Planning for your retirement

Whether you are considering early retirement, or plan to continue working until your Target Retirement Age (TRA), it’s never too early or too late to review your investment choices.

It's important to review your investments if you are invested in one of the Target Retirement Lifestyle funds. This is because these funds start to move your money into lower-risk investments 20 years before your TRA. An example of how this works for the Target Lump Sum Lifestyle fund is shown in the graphic below. If you haven't selected a TRA, the default retirement age is 65; if you plan to retire at a different time you should review and adjust your TRA.

Alternatively, if you have self-selected your investments from the funds available, you should review your fund choices regularly, especially if your retirement plans change. This will mean that you're in the right funds for your circumstances.

We recommend you visit oneday which has lots of information and videos to help you plan for your retirement. You can also find full descriptions and characteristics for all funds available.

To change your investment choices or TRA, log on to your personal account with Aviva or contact Aviva directly.

In the Target Lump Sum Lifestyle fund...

Target lump sum lifestyle fund table
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