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Who should we look after if you die?

Your Scheme membership provides valuable benefits for your loved ones, so it’s important that we know your wishes – especially if your situation might be complicated. An up-to-date Expression of Wish form helps the Trustee make sure any death benefits that are due can be paid without delay or additional distress to your family. It’s a good habit to check and confirm your chosen beneficiaries once a year, even if there are no changes to your circumstances. The older your nomination, the more research the Trustee has to do to ensure it is still valid and the longer it takes to pay the benefits.

Update your Expression of Wish form

You can update your wishes by completing a new Expression of Wish form. The form is available in the Document library, or you can get in touch with the Pensions Team.

It’s important to know that whilst your Expression of Wish form is not binding by law it does help the Trustee consider your wishes in line with the Scheme rules so it’s important to keep it up to date.

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