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Investment overview

The table below shows the performance of the investment funds available in the 12 months to 30 September 2024.

It also shows the Annual Management Charge (AMC). You can find full details of the investment charges and costs, as well as guidance and fund factsheets, on oneday...

The performance of your funds may differ depending on when you joined the Scheme and how your contributions are invested. You can see how your investments are performing by visiting your Personal Account with Aviva, which you can access through www.oneday.co.uk.

The performance figures below are after charges have been deducted.

Performance of the fund (1 year) Performance of the fund (over 5 years) Annual Management Charge (AMC)
Growth funds
Emerging Markets Equity Fund 14.52% 3.12% 0.46%
Global Equity Fund 19.19% 9.69% 0.25%
Stewardship Fund 15.38% 4.53% 0.27%
Diversified Growth Fund 13.19% 3.52% 0.38%
Environmental Focused Fund* 18.07% N/A 1.12%
Shariah Fund 26.27% 15.04% 0.51%
Approaching retirement funds
Target Increasing Annuity 6.93% -8.90% 0.21%
Target Level Annuity 10.25% -5.10% 0.29%
Money Market 5.18% 1.88% 0.21%

*The five year investment performance information for the Environmental Focussed Fund is not available as this fund was introduced less than five years ago.

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