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Member Nominated Director - Terms of appointment postponement

At the end of 2022, the Trustee reviewed its Member Nominated Directors (MNDs) terms of appointment as part of its continual governance process to ensure your Scheme continues to be managed appropriately and effectively by the Trustee.

Currently there are three appointed MNDs to the Trustee and their terms of appointment are all due to expire within the next 14 months, dates below:

  • Phil Burrell – end of term date 30 June 2023
  • Karena Caskie – end of term date 30 June 2023
  • Richard Bowen – end of term date 21 January 2024

We expect the next couple of years to be busy for the Trustee and, having considered the current Trustee Board’s experience and expertise (and the Trustee’s duties) carefully, the Trustee has agreed not to make multiple changes to the MND’s appointments during this short space of time. Therefore, the Trustee has agreed to postpone the end of term dates for the existing MNDs to the following:

  • Phil Burrell – 31 December 2024
  • Karena Caskie – 31 December 2024
  • Richard Bowen – 30 June 2025

I’m pleased to say that all three MNDs have agreed to remain on the Trustee Board until their revised end of term dates.

Extending the existing MNDs’ terms of appointment during a busy period allows the Trustee to maintain a strong and experienced Board to ensure the Scheme continues to be run appropriately and effectively. Each MND sits on the Trustee Board as well as various sub-committees, bringing a wealth of knowledge and dedication to their duties as an MND.

Ahead of the new end of terms dates summarised above, a full MND application process will be carried out by the Trustee for each position and, as always, we welcome members to consider this exciting and fulfilling role at that time.

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