Useful information
Here, you'll find the most recent information from the Company and you can also learn about the up to date tax allowances.
Transferring-in other benefits
The Trustee allows members to transfer benefits from other pension schemes into the BRSS. These could be from a personal pension or a previous employer's pension scheme.
Transferring in other benefits could be useful as you’ll be able to see your benefits all together. This could make planning for retirement a little bit easier, however, you should always be mindful of the specific arrangements for different schemes and consider where your money is best invested for the future.
If you'd like to transfer benefits from other pension arrangements into the BRSS, please phone Aviva who will be able to explain the process to you.
Ill-health benefits
If you need to stop work due to ill-health, you may be able to apply for an ill-health pension. If you qualify, this means you can take your benefits at any age and don’t have to wait until the minimum pension age of 55 (this is rising to 57 from 2028).
Read more about ill-health benefits in Your Guide to the Scheme.
Death in service
If you die while you're still contributing to the BRSS, a lump sum will usually be payable. In addition, the value of your Personal Account on the date of your death will normally be paid as a lump sum.
The Trustee decides who should receive these lump sums when you die. They will take your wishes into account but they aren’t bound by them. You can help guide the Trustee’s decision by completing an Expression of wish form. You can nominate anyone, e.g., your spouse, civil partner, children, parents, or other close relatives.
Because the Trustee decides who receives the lump sum, it doesn’t count as part of your estate and isn’t usually liable for Inheritance Tax.
Let the Trustee know your wishes by completing an Expression of wish form. Remember to update your form if your circumstances change, e.g., if you marry or divorce.
Death in retirement
If you die after you’ve retired, any benefits payable will depend on how you took your benefits at retirement. Details will be provided to you before you choose your retirement options.
Death after leaving the Company
If you die after you’ve left the Company but you haven’t yet taken your benefits from the BRSS, the value of your Personal Account will usually be paid as a lump sum.
The Trustee decides who should receive this lump sums when you die. They will take your wishes into account but they aren’t bound by them. You can help guide the Trustee’s decision by completing an Expression of wish form. You can nominate anyone, e.g., your spouse, civil partner, children, parents or other close relatives.
Because the Trustee decides who receives the lump sum, it won’t count as part of your estate and isn’t usually liable for Inheritance Tax.
Let the Trustee know your wishes by completing an Expression of wish form. Remember to update your form if your circumstances change, e.g., if you marry or divorce.